About Us
Activ8 Kids Entertainment was formerly known as DJ BRAD, which was a small business starting back in 2010 doing Kids Parties & Disco’s.
When we first started doing Kids Parties, we found that standing there and pressing play at a disco just wasn’t enough to keep the kids entertained and often it would result in stressful parties with Kids running around and became a little out of control. So we decided to incorporate a few games here and there, and it was here that the addiction to entertaining kids grew!
Over the past few years it has grown into a bigger team of DJ’s, that regularly go out each weekend, and occasionally during the week attending to many Kids Birthday Parties, Disco Events, School Holidays and going to a number of different Schools around Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast AND Toowoomba entertaining Kids at disco’s.
What is it about us that makes us a great company?
We love to have fun with Kids.
We’ve entertained over 600+ Kids Birthday Parties & Disco’s, along with over 400+ School Disco’s throughout Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast and EVEN going far out to Toowoomba – for so many people that has meant trusting the event to our team here with out Party Motiv8’rs